Welcome to BSA Troop 355 of Spring Valley, CA

Troop 355 has been serving the Spring Valley / Casa de Oro / Mt. Helix area for over 65 years and continue to serve our community. We proudly serve the young men + young women & their families of our community. We strive to train tomorrows leaders by teaching our youth to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. From Entry to Eagle, we work hard to give every scout the skills and knowledge to succeed not only in Scouting but in life as well. Please visit https://beascout.scouting.org/ and find out how to #SCOUTMEIN
We are participating in the Scouting America national troop pilot program. This means that our Troop has both young men and women working together in the same unit. Please let us know if there are any questions about this when you contact us about joining our unit. We look forward to having your youth join in the scouting adventure.