Here are some quick guide for Scouts BSA to help you understand what we are talking about at meetings.
- Troop: The fundamental unit, which a Scout joins and via which he or she participates in Scouting activities
- Patrol: A group of youth in the Troop, usually between 6 & 10 scouts.
- Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): The scout in charge of the Troop. They are elected by the Troop every 6 months.
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL): Scout who helps the SPL. They are chosen by the SPL.
- Patrol Leader (PL): The scout in charge of the Patrol. The scouts in the patrol elect them every 6 months.
- Assistant Patrol Leader (APL): Scout who helps the patrol leader.
- Patrol Leader’s Conference (PLC) / Green Bar: A meeting held every quarter to plan activities and assign responsibilities for the coming months. All Troop Youth Leadership are encouraged to attend.
- Board of Review (BOR): A panel of adult committee members who review a scout’s qualifications for advancement. The BOR also provides an opportunity for the scout to talk with adults about their scouting experience, goals and ideas for improvement of the troop. These are held on request of a Scout when the rank requirements are complete.
- Court of Honor (COH): The bi-annual celebration where rank advancement, merit badges and awards are officially recognized. Actual rank advancement may occur at any time, but the recognition takes place at the COH. Families are invited and encouraged to join us for this meeting, and this is typically a potluck dinner.